Here at our digital cafe you have the oppurtunity to meet with different group members at any time you want.

You can meet via videomeeting in our digital flat.
(You have to be logged in to use this function.)

Some of our videomeeting will also take place at the digital flat.

You can chat at the cafe-forum on any subject you like, even if it has nothing to do with the programm of „like a tree“.

Use the chance to get in communication with christians all over our world.


Are you ready for a challenge?

Here you will find tasks that should be done in 24 hours. Some of them you could manage directly on the platform. For some others you should take pictures as evidence and load them up here.

For every challenge you master, you will receive a puzzle piece. Can you put your picture together at the end of the week? Try it! Let’s start!

Write a short poem! The following words have to be included: nature – happy – pig

Collect rubbish in your street!

Search for a song about sustainability and post the link. – You also can record a song by yourself!

Do upcycling!

Smile to someone else!

Post a picture of your favourite tree!